Hari ni terbuka satu blog orang putih pasal deko-deko ni..Kebetulan tengah dok semangat kemas dapur dan store tu jadi aku terpanggil untuk kongsi dengan kawan-kawan semua. Mari kita kongsi bersama-sama :
How To Organiza the Pantry
This week should be a bit easier than the previous two weeks (hopefully). We are cleaning out and organizing the pantry! I split up the kitchen and pantry because I think the pantry is a separate job itself! I didn’t want you to get burnt out from being in the kitchen for two weeks straight. Follow the steps to get your pantry organized below!
1. Make sure you have boxes, bins, etc… before you get started. You will need them. I purchased mine at a local store but some baskets similar to mine can be found here. * If you do not have baskets/bins, you can still organize your pantry into “categories”.
2. If you are using them, line up your empty bins & baskets on the kitchen table. If you do not have bins, you can still separate your food into ‘categories’ on the table.
3. Take everything out of your pantry. Check the expiration date and throw out expired or no longer used items. Place “like” items in the baskets on the table. Organizing your food into categories (bins) will help keep your pantry looking nice and neat. (Categories to consider: School, Breakfast, Pasta, Baking, Sauce, Bread, Snacks, Sides, etc.)
4. Once you are finished organizing into categories, you can wipe out your pantry, sweep, mop, etc… to get it all clean.
8. Place all of your neatly organized bins & boxes back into your pantry.
9. Label each bin with a labeler or hang a tag on the basket like I did.
*This is only a guide to help get you started. Customize your pantry to fit the needs of your family.
(kemas betoi la..jelosnya)
I love the Elfa door organizers. They give me so much more space to store canned goods, etc. We do not have a lot of canned goods. We eat mostly fresh, but if not in season, then freezer veggies.
terima kasih pada blogger yang sudi berkongsi laman blogger ni...ilmu yang amat berguna kepada aku yang tak kreatif dalam bab kemas mengemas ni...ok kalo korang nak menimba ilmu sila ke web ni .Semoga kita semua dapat berkogsi ilmu...
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